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Gifts from the Devastation

Can our devastations be opportunities for great transformation?

Moments of devastation will visit everyone in life. Whether it is grief, illness, loss, or some other trauma, no one escapes. In Celine’s case, one of those moments was her diagnosis with breast cancer in 2016. As you join Celine on her journey from getting this life-changing news, to surrendering and ultimately choosing a path of transformation, you are prompted to reflect on your own life and how your personal traumas have shaped you into the person you are today. You will discover that every crisis is an opportunity to evolve, and that despite the inevitable pain that comes with growth, life really is happening for you, not to you. It is always unfolding for your highest good. Packed full of practical tips and insights, this book is a reminder that you are not just a helpless victim of life. You are a powerful creator and life is actually trying to help you grow into the fullest version of you. 

Buy Audio Book directly from me: 

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Buy Print and Ebook: giftsprintandebook


Can our devastations be opportunities for great transformation?Moments of devastation will visit everyone in life. Whether it is grief, illness, loss, or some other trauma, no ...

The Tapestry of Life

"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan gives a sharp, and insightful commentary about modern society; our treatment of mental illness, our disregard for older people, and the safety net of community. It’s a book about bravery, discovery, and most importantly, friendship. Roll on the sequel."
Sarah McInerney, RTE broadcaster and journalist

The Tapestry of Life is available to purchase in Dubrays and Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway or online at Tribes Press or Amazon (paperback and kindle edition) or click on the button below.


"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan ...

Our Customers Say

Celine has allowed her illness to be her teacher and shares her insights beautifully in her new book, Gifts from the Devastation.
Aisling O'Loughlin, Journalist
Celine gave hope, strength and courage to all travelling similar paths.
Noreen Kiely, Organiser, New Beginnings Event
I emerged from the session feeling restored and filled with gratitude and love. Thank you Celine!
Marina Wild
I would recommend Celine to anyone who needs that extra help in any area of their life.
Martha McDonagh


Gifts from the Devastation

The Tapestry of Life

"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan gives a sharp, and insightful commentary about modern society; our treatment of mental illness, our disregard for older people, and the safety net of community. It’s a book about bravery, discovery, and most importantly, friendship. Roll on the sequel."
Sarah McInerney, RTE broadcaster and journalist

The Tapestry of Life is available to purchase in Dubrays and Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway or online at Tribes Press or Amazon (paperback and kindle edition) or click on the button below.


About Me

What I Do


I discovered my love for writing while recovering from cancer. What started as a way of processing my experience took me on an exciting journey to becoming a published author. I published my second book - Gifts from the Devastation in March 2022...the journey countinues....



I believe in the power that comes from sharing our stories. We all need each other to heal and grow and that is why I started my podcast, Wild Woman.

It is a place for conversations with women who are living brave, authentic lives and are following their hearts desires. I believe this is essential for mental and soul health. Without it we shrivel up and die. I know because it has been my journey since cancer. Nurturing it every day is now my life's work.

Check it out on Substack, Spotify or YouTube and contact me directly if you'd like to be a guest.

Wild Woman on Substack

Wild Woman on Spotify

Wild Woman on YouTube


I know that it is possible to overcome great challenge, heal and create a meaningful life. When we connect with our inner wisdom, we remember the life we always intended to live and can make it a reality. As a certified Life Coach, Intuitive and Reiki Master, it is my passion to use my skills and experience to support others who want to go on this journey too. 

Project Locations

My Blog Posts

My writing process

It started with a gentle nudge but soon took on a life of its own......

These opening words from my new book, Gifts from the Devastation pretty much sum up how I started writing and how the process has evolved since then

It started with a gentle nudge but soon took on a life of its own......These opening words from my new book, Gifts from the Devastation pretty much sum up how I started writing ...

The birth of Gifts from the Devastation

I’m delighted to announce that my new book Gifts from the Devastation is now available to pre-order. 

Gifts Audio Book

Gifts Print and Ebook

Read on to learn about the background to the book. I also share a short extract that I hope you enjoy and a few readers share their feedback with you!!

I’m delighted to announce that my new book Gifts from the Devastation is now available to pre-order. Gifts Audio BookGifts Print and EbookRead on to learn about the ...

Coming home

A short reflection on the inner journey that many of us feel called to go on at some point in our lives. Although it is impossible to capture and will be a unique experience for each of us, I do believe there are common threads that unite us as human beings. 

A short reflection on the inner journey that many of us feel called to go on at some point in our lives. Although it is impossible to capture and will be a unique experience for ...

Get your FREE guide now

To get your copy of my FREE guide -
6 SIGNS YOU'RE GETTING A SPIRITUAL WAKE-UP CALL, please read on and complete your details.

I wrote this guide to help anyone who is going through a very challenging period. I have been there and know that you can come through it and create the next great chapter of your life. 

If I can do it, anyone can !

To get your copy of my FREE guide -6 SIGNS YOU'RE GETTING A SPIRITUAL WAKE-UP CALL, please read on and complete your details.I wrote this guide to help anyone who is going through ...

The inspiration for the cover of my new book

The sunflower is the Inspiration for the cover of my new book,
Gifts from the Devastation, which is now available to pre-order.
Interesting synchronicities led me to choose it and I wanted to share the story.

The sunflower is the Inspiration for the cover of my new book,Gifts from the Devastation, which is now available to pre-order.Interesting synchronicities led me to choose it and ...

I salute you

I wrote I salute you a couple of years ago as a way to honour and thank all the amazing women I met while going through breast cancer. I share it now to honour all women and to mark the rise of the divine feminine on the planet.

I wrote I salute you a couple of years ago as a way to honour and thank all the amazing women I met while going through breast cancer. I share it now to honour all women and to ...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds me of how far I have come

It is hard to believe that it is more than four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now every year as October approaches, I am reminded of how lucky I am to be healthy and well. I am also reminded of how shell-shocked I was when the consultant first broke the news.

It is hard to believe that it is more than four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now every year as October approaches, I am reminded of how lucky I am to be healthy ...

Back to nature

I owe much to nature. It has been a great teacher to me, particularly during the quiet days of lockdown. As I took time to stop and look around on my daily walk, my body relaxed as it sensed the stillness that is at the heart of everything.

I owe much to nature. It has been a great teacher to me, particularly during the quiet days of lockdown. As I took time to stop and look around on my daily walk, my body relaxed ...

Taking centre stage in your life

Have you ever felt that the best version of you is just waiting in the wings for their cue to come on stage? For many years I did. I held a very limited view of what was possible for my life, dismissing many long-held dreams that called from deep within. 

Have you ever felt that the best version of you is just waiting in the wings for their cue to come on stage? For many years I did. I held a very limited view of what was possible ...

The power of community

I'd never really thought about community or its importance in my life until I got sick. I moved through life unconscious of the environments I was in, the company I kept and the impact it had on me. Now more than ever I value being around like-minded people who lift me up.


I'd never really thought about community or its importance in my life until I got sick. I moved through life unconscious of the environments I was in, the company I kept and the ...

Discovering the value of having a daily practice

I wrote this post just before Covid-19 reached our shores but it is now more relevant than ever. In a time when our world has been turned upside down, having a daily practice can help us get centred and give us some semblance of normality. It has made all the difference to me.

I wrote this post just before Covid-19 reached our shores but it is now more relevant than ever. In a time when our world has been turned upside down, having a daily practice can ...

Why I’ve decided to focus on living bravely in 2020

I trust life.” It was the casual way she said the words that stirred something in me. Long after our conversation I was still thinking about them. I had the strongest sense that I was being given wise advice that I would do well to adopt in my own life.

“I trust life.” It was the casual way she said the words that stirred something in me. Long after our conversation I was still thinking about them. I had the strongest ...

The Tapestry of Life

"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan gives a sharp, and insightful commentary about modern society; our treatment of mental illness, our disregard for older people, and the safety net of community. It’s a book about bravery, discovery, and most importantly, friendship. Roll on the sequel."
Sarah McInerney, RTE broadcaster and journalist

The Tapestry of Life is available to purchase in Dubrays and Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway or online at Tribes Press or Amazon (paperback and kindle edition) or click on the button below.

